Chronology of World War II

October 1941

Monday, October 6th

Air Operations, Europe

There is an RAF night raid on the port of Piraeus in Greece.

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Capt Erich Topp of U-552

Captain Erich Topp of <i>U-552</i>

Diplomatic Relations

(10/7?)There is a breakdown of Anglo-German negotiations on the exchange of seriously ill and wounded prisoners of war.

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Eastern Front

In the south the right wing of von Kleist's I Panzergruppe crosses the Dniepr and the Samara and reaches Berdyansk, on the Sea of Azov, surrounding the Soviet 9th and 18th Armies. The entire staff of the Soviet 9th Army, except for the commanding office who is evacuated by air, is captured by the SS Adolf Hitler Div. More than 100,000 Soviet troops are cut off and eventually taken prisoner. The German 11th Army is attacking along the coast to link with von Kleist's force. The German advances in the Moscow sector continue.

This is the beginning of the battle of Bryansk. It will last until October 19th. The Soviet position around Vyazma and Bryansk grows more desperate. Large pockets have been isolated and are being reduced south of Bryansk and west of Vyazma. Other German forces are attacking well to the east of both these towns.

German Tanks Capture Russian Soldiers

German Tanks Capture Russian Soldiers

The Germans launch a two-pronged assault against Moscow. The German armor breaks through the line from Rzhev to Vyazma and advances on Mozhaysk, only 50 miles from Moscow. The German attack is halted by the heroic resistance put up by the Russians, but six days later the Germans surround the town, advancing south towards Kaluga.[MORE]

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Red Sea

The British steamer Thistlegorm (4898t) is sunk by German bombing in the Strait of Jubal with the loss of 9 of her crew.


[October 5th - October 7th]