August 1941

Wednesday, August 6th

Eastern Front


Kholm and Staraya Russa fall to units of the 16th Army. The Germans have established a continuous line from Lake Ilmen to Velikiye Luki. Pronin's 34th Army, already in action south of Lake Ilmen, is ordered to recover Staraya Russa.


Guderian's 2nd Panzer Groups launches new attacks with the 3rd and 4th Panzer Divisions of the XXIV Panzer Corps aimed at capturing Gomel. The Stavka allocate the 43rd Army to the Reserve Front.


Potapov's assault around Malin struggles to make any headway in the face of serious German resistance. The IX and XXII Mechanized and I Airborne Corps have managed a five-mile advance in three days of heavy fighting. The XXIX Corps fights its way into the suburbs of Kiev but is stopped by the 37th Army.

Fighting in the Uman pocket continues with increasing numbers of Soviet soldiers surrendering to the 11th and 17th Armies. Elements of the 6th Army try to break out to the east while the 12th Army pushes south, each without success. Farther east, the Soviet retreat to the Dniepr accelerates, the 9th Army falling back upon Nikolayev. Elements of the XIV Panzer Corps, pushing south, reach and capture Voznesensk. The II Cavalry Corps, having been transferred to this exposed flank, fails to prevent the fall of the town. While these forces advance, the 11th Army unleashes a major new attack from Dubossary and splits apart the front of the 9th Army, effectively isolating those units protecting the approaches to Odessa from the remainder of the army.


Finnish forces smash through the 23rd Army and push on to Lake Ladoga near Khitola. Elements of the 23rd are isolated north of Sortavala but continue to fight on here and at Khitola. Fighting also rages south and west of Kexholm.

[ August 5th - August 7th]