Chronology of World War II

April 1941

Wednesday, April 23rd

The Blitz

Plymouth is again bombed during the night.

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Chiang complains to Ambassador Nelson T. Johnson in Chungking that promised US aid to China is not forthcoming.

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German Raiders

The German raider Thor, under the command of Kapitän zur See Ott Kähler, returns to Brest after a cruise of 322 days in which 11 merchant ships and 1 British auxiliary cruiser have been sunk and 2 more auxiliaries damaged.

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King George and his government are evacuated by RAF to Crete. In a villa near Thessaloniki the signing ot the Greek surrender is repeated in the presence of an Italian representative.

Greek Forces Surrender in Albania

Greek Forces Surrender in Albania

The British fight a battle to permit evacuation, falling back to a line across the peninsula at Thebes. Air cover is important but the British have only 100 planes to the German force of about 1000.

Bulgarian troops occupy Thrace in northern Greece.

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  • The British steamer Santa Clara Valley (4665t) is sunk by German bombing in Nauplia Bay. 7 on board are lost in the attack.
  • German air attacks sink several Greek ships. The ships lost include the steamer Assimi (722t) at Krioneri, the steamer Elvira (372t) at Chalkis, the tanker Katerina (2398t) at Methana, the steamer Kerkyra (1461t) at Salamis, the steamer Macedonia (1839t) at Trisonia - Spilia as was the steamer Nicolaos Nomicos (625t), the steamer Nicolaou Georgios (4108t) at Nauplia, the hospital ship Policos (875t) at Methana and the steamer Kriti (1028t).
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United States, Home Front

Charles Lindbergh addresses 30,000 people attending an 'America First' rally in New York. He condemns Britain for having 'encouraged the smaller nations of Europe to fight against hopeless odds', and warns that the British are attempting to drag the US into the 'fiasco of this war'.

Lindbergh Speaking at an 'America First' Rally

Lindbergh Speaking at an 'America First' Rally
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[April 22nd - April 24th]