Chronology of World War II

December 1940

Friday, December 13th

Battle of the Atlantic

The German steamer Schwalbe (842t) is lost in a stranding off the Finnish south coast.

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Germany, Planning

Hitler issues Directive 20 giving orders for the further preparation of the invasion of Greece, Operation Marita. The German forces in Rumania are accordingly increased to a total of 24 divisions.

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  • The British cruiser Coventry is damaged by the Italian sub Neghelli off the coast of Libya.
  • The British submarine Truant sinks the Italian steamer Sebastino Bianchi (1546t) east-northeast of Cape Spartivento.
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North Africa

A small British force has entered Libya and now cuts the road leading west from the important Italian position at Bardia.

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Vichy France

Pétain dismisses and arrests Pierre Laval and appoints Pierre Flandin as foreign minister in his place.

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[December 12th - December 14th]