Chronology of World War II

July 1940

Saturday, July 20th

Air Operations, Europe

Göring orders the creation of the first specialized night-fighter wing - Nachtjagdgeschwader 1 (NJG-1) - under the command of Col Josef Kammhuber. An Me-110 night-fighter achieves the first kill, a Whitley, over northwest Germany.

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Battle of Britain

Day 11

Weather - Scattered thunderstorms around the country. Bright intervals during afternoon in southern England with early cloud over the Channel clearing.

Combat - Action starts early for Hurricanes of No: 56 Squadron, scrambles from North Weald, at about 0545hrs to intercept Ju-88's. Although raids are plotted during the morning, from the south coast to Scotland, no more contact is made by R.A.F. fighters until around 1130hrs when Spitfires of No: 603 Squadron attack and shoot down a Do-17 off Peterhead.

Early afternoon sees Hurricanes of No: 238 Squadron intercept Me-109's and a seaplane over Convoy 'Bosom' in Lyme Bay. Hurricanes of No: 43 and 601 Squadrons attack enemy aircraft near the Isle of Wight as the convoy heads east. Later at about 1630hrs Hurricanes of No: 501 Squadron scrambles to meet a raid of Ju-87's and Me-109's heading towards Portland Bill. During the dogfight, Sgt. J.H. "Ginger" Lacey (highest scoring R.A.F. pilot of the Battle of Britain), with already 5 victories in France, makes his "1st battle kill" by shooting down an Me-109.

At about 1800hrs a large raid, consisting of Ju-87's with Me-109 and Me-110 escorts, approach the Kent coast. Hurricanes of No: 32 and 615 Squadrons along with Spitfires of No: 610 Squadron intercept and a large dogfight follows.

During the night extensive mine dropping is reported from Lands End to Isle of Wight, Bristol channel, Norfolk and Suffolk coastline, the Humber and Tees. Main attention is given to Harwich and the Thames Estuary. Bombs are dropped on Eastchurch, Hartlepool, Rochford, Swansea, near Wells and Chatham.

R.A.F. Losses: 9 aircraft damaged or destroyed, 9 pilots and aircrew killed or missing and 1 wounded.

Luftwaffe Losses: 22 aircraft damaged or destroyed, 26 pilots and aircrew killed or missing and 8 wounded.

NOTE: Losses include non-combat patrols and accidents.

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Battle of the Atlantic

  • The British destroyer Brazen is badly damaged by German bombers while escorting convoy CW-7 off Dover with the loss of 1 crewmen. She sinks the next day with the British destroyer Boreas taking off her crew.
  • The British steamer Pulborough (961t) from convoy CW-7 is sunk by German bombing 2-1/2 miles southeast of Dover Pier. The British trawler Lady Philomena rescues 17 survivors.
  • The British steamer Troutpool (4886t) sinks on a mine near Bangor Pier Light with the loss of 11 of her crew.
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2 Italian destroyers, the Ostro and the Nembo and a cargo ship, the Sereno (2333t), are torpedoed by FAA Swordfish biplanes near Tobruk.

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[ July 19th - July 21st]