Air Operations, EuropeThe first unit of Dewoitine D-520 fighters (the French equivalent of the Spitfire) is in action over the Meuse front. They shoot down 4 German aircraft without a loss of their own. [ | ]Battle of the Atlantic
Britain, Home Front
NorwayThe 2nd Mtn Div (Austrian) starts to move northwards from Trondheim with the aim of reinforcing Dietl's forces in Narvik. They are met with resistance from Allied and Norwegian forces advancing toward Narvik from Harstad. The first landings on the way, at Bjerkvik 10 miles north of Narvik, are successfully carried out by French troops. [ | ]Western FrontIn the Battle of the Meuse, which will last until May 17, the Panzer corps of Guderian, Hoth and Reinhardt, with strong air support, establish bridgeheads of the River Meuse at Sedan, Monthermé and Dinant. At Sedan, Guderian is right at the front urging his troops on. They overpower the French 55th and 71st Divs who fall back in panic. The young commander of the 7th Panzer Div, Gen Rommel, is performing likewise at Dinant. The French troops opposing them have not prepared their positions properly and are quickly demoralized and terrorized by heavy dive-bomber attacks. As a result, the French 9th Army is destroyed and an 80-km gap is opened in the Allied line.
In Belgium the French 1st Army and Lord Gort's British divs reach the bank of the Dyle; the British are deployed between Louvain and Wavre, the French between Wavre and Namur. The Germans take Liege and in Holland the defense has now been totally disrupted. The Dutch army is collapsing, and the High Command orders a general retreat to defensive positions on what is called the 'Dutch fortress', an area taking in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Utrecht. The advancing German ground troops have linked with the paratroops at Moerdijk. Queen Wilhelmina and the Dutch Government are taken to London at different times during the day. Giraud's 7th Army is in full retreat.[MORE] [ | ] |
[ May 12th - May 14th] |