Battle of the Atlantic - U-10 sinks the Norwegian steamer Kvernaas (1819t) 4 miles northwest of Schouwen Bank. The crew of 20 is rescued by the Dutch steamer Oranjepolder.
- U-48 sinks the Finnish steamer Wilja (3396t) southwest of the Scilly Isles. 27 survivors are rescued by the British destroyer Vanessa and the Dutch steamer Maasdam.
- German aircraft drop mines in the Edinburgh Channel and off the Downs. 2 merchant ships of 6417 tons are sunk as a result.
- U-13 sinks the British steamer Swainby (4935t) 25 miles northeast of Muckle Flugga, but the entire crew is rescued.
- The Swedish steamer Balticia (1986t) is arrested at sea by a German torpedo boat Haugesand. She is later renamed Gothia for German service.
- U-37 torpedoes the British steamer Pyrrhus (7418t) off Portugal. She breaks in two and the aft section sinks immediately, the fore stays afloat for 2 days. 8 crewmen are lost with the survivors being rescued by the British steamers Uskside and Sinnington Court.
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Norway The British heavy cruiser Suffolk carries out a fairly effective bombardment of the German-held Sola airfield near Stavanger and the seaplane base. While retiring the cruiser is severely damaged by air attacks from Ju-88s. Late in the day, as part of Operation Sickle, the first British forces land at Andalnses. The German troops isolated at Narvik are ordered to 'hold out as long as possible'.
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Ju-52 Transport Planes