Chronology of World War II

December 1939

Monday, December 4th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • The British battleship Nelson is damaged by a magnetic mine off Loch Ewe. This is the last notable success for this insidious German 'secret weapon'. English technicians have succeeded in finding a means of neutralizing the magnetic mine by 'de-magnetizing' the hull of ships using an electric cable. This method is known as 'de-gaussing'. The Germans have been employing this and other types of mine to good effect. By the end of the year the Allied shipping lost to mines will amount to 79 ships of 262,700 tons.
  • On a black day for the Allied navies, two destroyers are sunk and two others and one minelayer are damaged
  • Royal Navy submarine Salmon sinks U-36 in the North Sea southwest of Kristiansand, Norway. All 40 of the crew are lost
  • The British steamer Horsted (1670t) hits a mine and sinks off the Humber with the loss of 5 crewmen. This is the result of the German destroyer minelaying operation in the Thames Estuary the night of the November 18th. The survivors are picked up by the British destroyer Jackal.
  • U-31 sinks the Norwegian steamer Primula (1024t) 125 miles east of Aberdeen with the loss of 8 of her crew. 7 survivors are picked up by the Danish steamer Wm Th Malling and taken to Methil.
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Diplomatic Relations

In response to representations made on December 1, by Mr. Laurence B. Steinhardt, Ambassador of the United States to the USSR, on behalf of President Roosevelt, protesting the alleged bombardment of civilians in Finland by Soviet airmen, Mr. Molotov made the following reply:

"Mr. Roosevelt’s suggestion that air bombardment of the population of Finland’s towns should not be permitted, insofar as it is addressed to the Soviet Government, is caused by a misunderstanding. Soviet airplanes have bombed airdromes, but they have not bombed towns and do not intend doing so, because our Government values the interest of the Finnish population no less than any other Government does. Certainly one may fail to see this from America, which is over 8,000 kilometers away from Finland. Nevertheless, facts are facts. In view of this, Mr. Roosevelt’s statement is, as can be seen, pointless."

Helsinki Bombed

Downed Soviet Bomber
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Finland - Winter War

Day 5

The senior command in the Isthmus is criticized by the C-in-C for being too quick to withdraw the covering force. Supported by tanks the Soviets advance near Suulajärvi, Nurmijärvi and Valkjärvi. The Russians also attack the bridgehead at Kiviniemi. On the Saunajärvi-Alasjärvi isthmus the Russian 118th Regt supported by artillery fire and a tank battalion attempts to break through but is repelled.

Foreign diplomats begin to evacuate from Helsinki. Prime Minister Ryti, through his Ambassador in Washington, requests a 60 million dollar loan from the U.S.

Soviet troops advance with tank support.
Photo: SA-KUVA

Soviets Advance

Soviets Advance
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[ Dec 3rd - Dec 5th]