Chronology of World War II

November 1939

Sunday, November 5th

Germany, Home Front

Gen Franz Halder, Brauchitsch's Chief of Staff, leads a group which has planned to overthrow Hitler if he is not persuaded to abandon the plan and timing for the attack. Although fairly detailed plans have been made for an army takeover, Halder has received few firm promises of support from the senior officers he has sounded out. The more junior officers tend to follow the Nazi line more closely and, from their positions, can see little wrong with Hitler's leadership. Halder, in any case, is unwilling as a senior serving officer to murder the head of state in wartime. This, combined with the poor prospects of success and a chance remark of Hitler's that suggests that he knows of a plot, persuades Halder to cancel the preparations.

It is important to note that the army opposition to Hitler is at this time not really based on moral principle but rather on resentment of his usurpation of their function as strategic planners and advisers.

[larr2larr | rarrrarrs]

Germany, Planning

Walter von Brauchitsch meets Hitler to discuss the plans for the attack in the west. He argues very strongly that it should not take place as scheduled on Nov 12 because of weaknesses in the army. Hitler shouts him down.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

[ Nov 4th - Nov 6th]