Chronology of World War II

September 1939

Wednesday, September 6th

Air Operations, Europe

In the 'Battle of Berking Creek' 2 RAF Spitfires in error shoot down 2 Hurricanes.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

Battle of the Atlantic

  • The first convoy leaves the US for Britain. In the convoy are 36 ships in 9 parallel rows of 4 each. There is 1 escort ship in front plus 2 more to port and starboard.
  • U-38 sinks the steamer Manaar (7242t) off the Bay of Biscay northwest of Cape St Vincent. 7 crewmen are lost with survivors being rescued by the Dutch steamer Mars, the Italian liner Castelbianco and the Portuguese liner Carvalho Araujo.
  • U-47 sinks the steamer Rio Claro (4086t) southwest of Ireland. All the crew are rescued.

Athenia Survivor

<i>Athenia</i> Survivor
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Diplomatic Relations

South Africa declares war on Germany. Iraq breaks off diplomatic relations with Germany.
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The 3rd and 4th Armies of Army Group North and the 8th and 10th Armies of Army Group South advance on Warsaw. Von Reichenau's 10th Army continues to lead the German advance, having already penetrated to the east of Lodz. Panzers take Tomaszow and Kielce. After forcing Army Krakow under Gen Antoni Szylling to withdraw eastwards to avoid encirclement from the north, troops of List's 14th Army take Krakow and are now marching towards the Rumanian border. The Polish supreme command issue orders for a general retreat to the line of the Rivers Narew, Vistula and San. During the night the Polish government leaves Warsaw for the area of Luck-Krzemieniec. The supreme command is moved to Brzesko on the Bug River.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

[ Sept 5th - Sept 7th]