Air Operations, Formosa V Bomber Command B-24s based in the Philippines attack the Kagi airfield and marshalling yards at Takao.
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Air Operations, Japan - FEAF B-24s based on Okinawa attack the Matsuyama airfield on Shikoku.
- FEAF B-25s and 319th Medium Bomb Group A-26s attack the Chiran and Kanoya airfields on Kyushu.
- FEAF A-20s, A-26s, and P-47s attack Akuna, Kushikino, and Miyazaki.
- FEAF B-25s and fighter-bombers attack communications targets and shipping across Kyushu, the northern Ryukyus, and between Japan and Korea.
- 4 28th Composite Bomb Group B-24s attack Kataoka.
- 3 B-24s attack the Suribachi airfield.
- 7th Air Force B-24s and 41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s undertake what will be their final missions of the war.
- V Fighter Command fighters down 3 Japanese fighters during the morning.
- Task Group 37.2 retires to Manus Island to replenish, but in order to assure a Royal Navy presence for the impending surrender, HMS Indefatigable and a number of Royal Navy surface vessels, including the battleship HMS King George V, remain on station with Task Force 38 under the new designation Task Group 38.5. An impending typhoon causes Task Force 38 to curtail combat flight operations and withdraw to safety.
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Air Operations, Philippines XIII Fighter Command P-38s support US 8th Army ground forces on Luzon.
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China In view of the imminent capitulation of Japan, the Chinese-American headquarters cancels the operations against Fort Bayard and Hong Kong and Canton.
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Korea The Russians invade northern Korea by land and sea.
Pacific The battleship USS Pennsylvania (BB-38) is damaged by a torpedo plane off Okinawa. Near Okinawa a Japanese submarine sinks the US destroyer Thomas F. Nickel and landing craft Oak Hill.
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Images from August 12, 1945
Loading OWI leaflets for transport to the US air field on Saipan, 1945. On 12 August, aircraft runs departed Saipan at 1:30, 4:30, 7:30 and 11:30 p.m., delivering to the people of Japan the news of their government’s surrender offer. The 4” x 5” leaflets rained down by the millions, telling the Japanese people: These American planes are not dropping bombs on you today. American planes are dropping these leaflets instead because the Japanese Government has offered to surrender.
Dropping Leaflets Instead Of Bombs
USS Pennsylvania (BB 38), 12 August 1945, at Buckner Bay, Okinawa
USS Pennsylvania at Okinawa
Japanese prisoners from the 52nd Division guarded by a soldier of the 1/10th Gurkha Rifles (17th Indian Division) await their rail journey to a prisoner of war camp at Pegu.
Japanese Prisoners Await Their Move to a POW Camp
Pennsylvania, 12 August 1945, Okinawa, after Japs torpedo attack
Pennsylvania After Attack