April 1945

Friday, April 20th

Eastern Front


The Western Allies launch their last air raid upon Berlin. No sooner had the bombs stopped falling on the city than the arty of Zhukov's 1st Belorussian Front begins to pound the eastern suburbs. Despite stiff resistance Bernau falls to the 47th Army as it advances north of Berlin while the 3rd Shock Army begins to press straight toward Berlin from the northeast. Hitler orders the 9th Army to continue to resist on the Oder despite the threat of encirclement. The 33rd Army joins the offensive as it strikes the southern wing of the army, pushing it back toward the isolated north wing of the 4th Panzer Army west of Frankfurt and Guben.

The 1st Ukrainian Front pushes forward, the 3rd Guards Tank Army taking Barut, just 20 miles south of Zossen and the OKH headquarters. The 28th Army moves up from the reserve to support the 3rd Guards Tank. Late in the day Juterbog, main armaments depot for the German forces around Berlin, falls to the 4th Guards Tank. Behind the main advance the 5th Guards Army attacks elements of the 4th Panzer Army near Cottbus, inflicting heavy casualties.

On the right wing of the Soviet offensive the 2nd Belorussian Front begins to hit the 3rd Panzer Army. Heavy arty fire and strong air support suppresses the Germans while the 65th, 70th and 49th Armies attempt a crossing of the Oder between Schwedt and Stettin. Initial German resistance is intense and brings the attacks of the 70th and 49th Armies to a halt. Only the 65th Army manages to penetrate the German positions just south of Stettin.

[ April 19th - April 21st]