March 1945

Friday, March 23rd

Eastern Front


Severe fighting erupts on the outer defenses around Danzig as the 49th Army presses in from the north, the 65th from the west and 2nd Shock from the south.

A counterattack by 2 divisions of the 9th Army toward Kustrin is repulsed by the 8th Guards Army. A second attack later in the day also fails.


Komarno and its oilfields fall to the 7th Guards Army as did Esztergom to the 46th Army as the 3rd Hungarian Army is destroyed south of the Danube and the 8th Army thrown back to its north.

The 6th SS Panzer Army narrowly escapes from the Balaton area as the 26th Army to the south links up with the 4th and 9th Guards pushing in from the northeast. German defenses around Veszprem disintegrates as the 6th SS Panzer and 6th Armies begin a headlong retreat into Austria.

[ March 22nd - March 24th]