February 1945

Thursday, February 1st

Eastern Front


The 70th Army begins its final attack upon the 30,000-strong garrison of Thorn, fighting its way into the town during the day. German resistance is extremely protracted and it will take more than a week for the town to be captured.

In Pomerania the 1st Belorussian Front launches a new attack against the 11th Army at Schneidmuhl. Ratzebuhr (now Olonek) falls after a bloody battle. Elements of the 1st Guards Tank Army are isolated at Kunersdorf by a V SS Mountain Corps counterattack. After heavy fighting the Germans are repulsed and then struck by the 33rd, 69th and 1st Guards Tank Armies as they counterattack. A bloody retreat follows as the Soviets race to reach the Oder.

The headquarters of the 3rd Panzer Army begins its evacuation from East Prussia to re-deploy in Pomerania. In the 3 weeks since the offensive in Poland began the Germans have lost 400,000 killed, wounded or captured and the equivalent of 35 divisions have been destroyed.


Soviet forces in Buda are fighting along Margit Boulevard, in Szell Kalman Square and Vermezo Meadow. Sashegy Hill continues to hold under intense attack.

[ January 31st - February 2nd]