January 1945

Tuesday, January 30th

Eastern Front


The German forces in East Prussia are confined to 3 pockets. The most northernly pocket comprises the 4 divisions of Gollnick's XXVIII Corps in Samland, while there are 5 divisions fighting in isolation at Konigsberg. The larges pocket lay to the southwest and comprises 20 divisions of the 4th Army. Elements have reached to within 5 miles of Elbing during the recent counterattack. As they fail to push farther west a frontal attack by the 5th Guards Tank Army pins down the exhausted troops. The 3rd and 50th Armies then also strike the exposed southern flank.

Russian attacks near Posen capture Stolzenberg. Leading units of the 1st Guards Tank Army capture Calau before pushing upon Schweibus. The 69th and 33rd Armies are moving behind the Tanks. Elements of the 2nd Guards Tank and 5th Shock Armies advance past Zorndorf as they push toward the Oder.

The 4th Tank Army takes Steinau after a fierce battle while the 3rd Guards Army reaches the Oder and secures the armies right flank. The 1st Ukrainian Front undertakes new preparations in an effort to destroy the 17th Army along the Oder.

[ January 29th - January 31st]