January 1945

Friday, January 12th

Eastern Front


1st Ukrainian Front arty strikes the 4th Panzer and 17th Armies, churning their front and rear positions to shreds. Forward battalions attack the stunned Germans, causing them to mistake these probes for the main attack. A few hours later arty opens up again, unleashing a 2-hour barrage. During the bombardment the headquarters of 4th Panzer Army is hit, two thirds of German arty disabled and almost of quarter of their personnel killed or wounded. Around midday the 1st Ukrainian Front surges forward. Graeser's 4th Panzer Army is badly hit, the 13th Army slamming into Recknagel's XLII Corps. After bloody fighting the German line collapses, enabling Koniev to commit the 4th Tank Army to the battle. The remnants of the XLII Corps are pushed aside as Soviet tanks advance upon Kielce. In an effort to restore his line, Graeser throws in Nehring's XXIV Panzer Corps from the reserve. On the right wing the XLVIII Panzer Corps suffers an equally severe pounding, being forced to give ground under heavy attack.


Bitter fighting continues in Pest as the Varosliget Park largely falls to the Soviets. The IV SS Panzer Corps penetrates to within 12 miles of Budapest but is then ordered to pull back.

[ January 11th - January 13th]