August 1944

Friday, August 25th

Eastern Front


The Finns come to terms with the Soviet Union, Moscow agreeing to a Finnish armistice on the condition that all German troops leave Finnish territory by September 15.


After heavy fighting the 67th Army takes Tartu.


The 47th Army attacks near Warsaw, hitting the IV SS Panzer Corps. Heavy fighting ensues.


The 6th Army launches repeated attacks in an effort to break out from the Leovo pocket but is beaten back each time. After fierce fighting the XXX Corps is destroyed.

Meith's 4-division strong group, with just 20,000 men, continues its own break-out attempts at Husi, but fails to force the Russians back. Only the XXIX Corps remains free of encirclement but it is retreating toward the Barladul to the south.

Following the Lufwaffe air raids the Rumanian government declares war on Germany. All German forces are to be disarmed and interned. The declaration of war threatens the German forces in Greece and Yugoslavia. Lohr's Army Group E takes over control of the forces on the Greek mainland and the Aegean islands, some 315,000 men in all. Weichs' Army Group F assumes command of the German forces in Yugoslavia from its headquarters at Belgrade.

[ August 24th - August 26th]