August 1944

Tuesday, August 1st

Eastern Front


President Ryti resigns, Gen Mannerheim taking over as head of state. The Finns are looking for some way out of the war to prevent Soviet invasion and safeguard the territory they had held at the end of the 1939 Winter War.


With elements of the 2nd Tank Army fighting in the Praga suburb of Warsaw, the Polish Home Army rises in revolt. Led by Gen Komorowski, the largely civilian army of 38,000 soldiers seize control of large portions of the city, taking the Germans by surprise.

The rear of Vormann's 9th Army, fighting before Warsaw, is threatened by the revolt. The Red Army though is initially unaware that the revolt has begun and can not offer immediate help, its exhausted combat units being at the end of a 400-mile supply line. Indeed as the battle progresses the Russians give very little aid to the Poles, Stalin pretty much allowing the Germans a free hand to destroy his political enemies in order to install the Communist Lublin-based regime in the capital upon its fall. The Western Allies make repeated requests to air drop supplies to the Poles but only a small amount will be landed, Stalin denying the Allied air forces the use of his airfields.


The 8th Guards Army attacks at Magnuszew in order to strengthen its bridhead. The Germans offer stubborn resistance.

[ July 31st - August 2nd]