June 1944

Wednesday, June 28th

Eastern Front


Soviet forces draw closer to Minsh. The 3rd Panzer Army has been virtually destroyed along the Dvina and its one remaining operational corps, the IX, is falling back to the west. Attacks by the 43rd Army of the 1st Baltic Front succeeds in securing Lepel.

Heavy fighting rages as the 49th and 50th Armies (2nd Belorussian Front) storm Mogilev, taking the town after a brisk battle. Soviet losses are high as the XXXIX Corps defends with great ferocity. The majority of the corps succees in crossing the Dniepr and falls back to the Berezina. However, the 5th Guards Tank Army is already at Borisov on the Berezina and crosses despite fierce resistance by the 5th Panzer Division.

Farther south the 48th Army crosses the Berezina and enters Bobruisk. With more than 70,000 ment of the XXXV and XLI Corps isolated in the pocket, the Soviets are hard pressed to prevent a breakout, bitter fighting raging all around the pocket.

As the end of the day the Stavka issues new orders for the liberation of Minsk by the 1st and 3rd Belorussian Fronts and the encirclement of those elements of the 3rd Panzer and 4th Armies still east of the city.


Hitler reverts to his policy of sacking generals, Lindemann, commander of Army Group North being dismissed and replaced with Field Marshal Freissner. Field Marshal Busch is also sacked for his failure to halt the Soviet attacks in Belorussia, Model being appointed to command in his place. Model already commands Army Group North Ukraine, and, while retaining this command, gives over operational control to Gen Harpe.

[ June 27th - June 29th]