June 1944

Monday, June 26th

Eastern Front


Olonets falls to Krutkov's 7th Army.


The German situation in Belorussia deteriorates as the Soviet armies deepen their penetration behind Army Group Center, threatening to encircle the bulk of its forces.

On the northern wing the LIII Corps begins its breakout from Vitebsk. In defiance of Hitler's order the 206th Infantry Division be left behind, Gollwitzer attacks with all his remaining forces. During the ensuing battle the 206th is wiped out virtually to a man. The Germans aim to slip away from the town during the night of the 26th, bu the sound of explosions as engineers destroy the supply dumps alert the Russians to the escape attempt. A massive air attack flattens most of the town before a full-scale armored and infantry assault hits the LIII. After a brisk battle, during which more than 6,000 German soldiers are killed, Vitebsk falls to the 39th Army. The remnants of the LIII Corps are isolated a short distance from the southern suburbs of the ruined city.

Tippelskirch's 4th Army is under intense pressure as it falls back to the Dniepr. The XXVII Corps, broken after its battle on the left wing, pours back toward the river, hoping to cross before the Soviets can isolate them on the east bank. However, the 5th Guards Tank Army enters the battle and immediately blasts its way through, cutting to road to Orsha and pushing on to Tolochin. This compels the XXVII Corps to fall back south of the town, Orsha falling to the 11th Guards and 31st Armies late in the day. The retreat of the XXVII Corps opens up the rear of the XXXIX Corps and forces it to abandon its crumbling positions. By noon Russian troops reach the Dniepr north of Mogilev, the 49th Army crossing to threaten the rear of the entire 4th Army. With around have of th 4th alreach across the river, Hitler agrees to its withdrawal to the Berezina. By dusk the 5th Guards Tank Army penetrates to Tolochin, taking the town after a brief battle.

To the south Jordan's 9th Army collapses. The XXXV Corps falls back from Bobruisk but finds its line of retreat blocked by IX Tank Corps. By dusk the corps is encircled by the 3rd and 48th Armies. Elements of the 48th and 65th Armies, pushing up from he south, are only 2 miles from Bobruisk. Having failed to link up with the XXXV Corps, teh 20th Panzer Division moves southwest to Bobruisk to prevent the fall of the town. With his army in pieces, Hitler sacks Gen Jordan, blaming the whole debacle on Jordan's misuse of the 20th Panzer Division. Gen von Vormann takes over the command.

Late in the day, Field Marshal Busch flies to Obersalzburg to meet with Hitler, pleading with him to be allowed to pull his shattered armies back to try and prevent their total destructin. Hitler is still convinced that the Russian offensive in Belorussia is merely a diversion to the main attack that is expectd in the Ukraine and refuses Busch freedom of action.

[ June 25th - June 27th]