March 1944

Thursday, March 30th

Eastern Front


The 1st Tank Army captures Chernovtsy.


Having returned to the front followind their meeting with Hitler, Manstein and Kleist are recalled to Obersalzburg where both are relieved of their commands. Hitler justifies his decision with the statement that the time for great strategic minds has passed, what the armies in the east need is men of National Socialist will. In their place Hitler appoints Field Marshal Model to command Army Group South and Field Marshal Schorner to Army Group A. At the same time the army groups are renamed, Army Group South becoming North Ukraine and a becoming Army Group South Ukraine. Just as with Army Group Don, Hitler names his army groups after territory that has already been lost. With Model leaving the northern sector for the Ukraine, Gen Lindemann takes over Army Group North.

[ March 29th - March 31st]