March 1944

Saturday, March 11th

Eastern Front


The 1st Ukrainian comes under heavy attack from the XLVIII Panzer Corps at Cherny Ostrov, temporaritly halting the Russian advance. However, Zhukov is about to swing his main thrust south toward the Dniestr to pin the 1st Panzer Army against the river. Heavy fighting rages from Tarnopol, through Volochisk and on to Proskurov.

The 2nd Ukrainian Front pushes its 2nd Tank Army across the Bug River at Dzhulinka while the 6th Tank Army crosses at Gayvoron. Manstein orders the 8th Army to pull back to prevent its disintegration and isolation on the east bank of the Bug. On the southern flank the 28th Army takes Berislav after bitter fighting with the XXIX Corps of the 6th Army.

[ March 10th - March 12th]