March 1944

Monday, March 6th

Eastern Front


The 1st Ukrainian Front pushes deeper into the German rear as it develops its attack, a 30-mile hole having been punched between the 4th and 1st Panzer Armies. Volochisk falls to the 3rd Guards Tank Army. The 2nd Ukrainian Front continues to widen the break between the 8th Army and 1st Panzer Army.

Malinovsky now begins his offensive. Following the customary arty barrage, the 8th Guards and 46th Armies attack the junction of the 8th and 6th Armies, striking the XXX Corps particularly hard. Fierce fighting rages, but by dusk both the 8th Guards and 46th has broken the German line. The Russians immediately press into the rear of the 6th Army toward Nikolayev in an effort to isolate it.

[ March 5th - March 7th]