Chronology of World War II

November 1943

Monday, November 15

Air Operations, Central Pacific

More than 20 VII Bomber Command B-24s based at Canton Island and Nonomea attack Jaluit and Mille atolls in the Marshall Islands and Makin Atoll in the Gilbert Islands.

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Air Operations, CBI

  • 15 of 20 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s sent to attack Hong Kong and Kowloon abort in the face of bad weather, but 5 B-24s are able to attack the Kowloon port area.
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Air Operations, Europe

Evening Ops:
  • 10 Mosquitos are sent to Düsseldorf and 2 to Bonn.
    • 2 Mosquitos are lost, 1 from each operation.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, New Guinea

  • More than 30 V Bomber Command B-24s attack Alexishafen. 88 B-25s abort a scheduled mission against Wewak and Boram when they and their 16 P-40 escorts are engaged by many Japanese fighters.
  • 49th Fighter Group P-40s down a Ki-48 'Lily' bomber and 6 fighters over Dumpu and Gusap at 1010 hours.
  • 8th Fighter Group P-40s down 3 G3M 'Nell' bombers and 8 fighters over the Ramu Valley at 1010 hours.
  • 348th Fighter Group P-38s down 5 fighters over the Wewak area between 1115 and 1130 hours. 2 49th Fighter Group P-40s are lost.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, Solomons

  • 20 XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack the airfield at Buka and 18 B-24s attack Kahili.
  • During the night, 6th Night Fighter Squadron P-70s attack the Kahili airfield on Bougainville.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Battle of the Atlantic

  • Following totally abortive forays against Convoys HX-264 and SC-146, Adm Dönitz abandons U-boat operations in the western Atlantic.
  • German aircraft begin shadowing the combined convoy MKS-30/SL-139 north of Gibraltar but all attempts to bring up U-boats are defeated. Eventually on November 21 He-177 aircraft attack alone and hit 2 ships with Hs-293 missiles.
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On the northern Burma front the Chinese 38th Div sends reinforcements to the 112th Regt, which is being hard pressed by the Japanese. In the Japanese 14th Army sector, Japanese troops occupy Fort White after driving out the British garrison.

[larrlarr | rarrrarr2]

Eastern Front

In the coastal sector, on the Bryansk front, Russian forces cut the important Gomel-Pinsk railway. German radio reports 'bloody battles' in the Krivoy Rog area. The German XLVIII Panzer Corps, consisting of 7 divisions, counterattack toward Kiev.


With the ground sodden from heavy rain, the 4th Panzer Army counterattacks west of Kiev. Supported by limited arty fire, the Germans smash through the base of the deepening Kiev salient, pushing toward Zhitomir to isolate the vanguard of the armies pressing west. Heavy fighting also rages around Krivoi Rog as the 2nd Ukrainian Front presses home its attacks against the LII Corps of the 1st Panzer Army. The Germans continue to counterattack locally with the XL and LVII Panzer Corps.

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Gen Alexander calls off 5th Army's attacks. Casualties have been very heavy and the stubborn German defense, backed by rugged terrain and the shocking weather, shows no sign of cracking. Meanwhile he orders a regrouping of his forces in readiness for a new attempt to break through the German lines.

In the Adriatic sector a number of patrols of the British 78th Div succeed in crossing the Sangro but are fighting hard and do not yet have a solid hold. They are attempting to establish small bridgeheads on the north side which will serve as reference points for reconnaissance groups and Royal Engineer units looking for more suitable places for tanks to cross the water and for the construction of Bailey bridges.

In Milan the Germans round up 2,000 Italian workers to hold hostage against further sabotage.

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Scenes from November 15, 1943

Torokina Fighter Field on Bougainville, November 15, 1943

Torokina Fighter Field on Bougainville
Soldiers of US Fifth Army battle mud in Italy in the fall of 1943

Jeep Stuck in the Mud

Jeep Stuck in the Mud
Soldiers from the 2/24th Battalion, Australian Army, around Sattelberg, New Guinea, on 15 November 1943.

Australians on New Guinea

Australians on New Guinea
On November 15, 1943, Himmler ordered that Gypsies and "part-Gypsies" were to be put ... on the same level as Jews and placed in concentration camps. Gypsy arrivals in the Belzec death camp await instructions

Gypsies Placed on Same Level as Jews

Gypsies Placed on Same Level as Jews
Three Yanks patrol the streets of Mignano leveled by American and German artillery fire. Local populace fled from the withering barrage raking the town into caves in outlying hills. Mignano, Italy. 15 November 1943

US Soldiers Patrol the Streets of Mignano

US Soldiers Patrol the Streets of Mignano

[November 14th - November 16th]