Air Operations, Bismarcks - In support of the landings at Bougainville and the Treasury Islands, 78 V Bomber Command B-25s, escorted by 70 V Fighter Command P-38s and P-47s attack antiaircraft batteries and shipping in Simpson Harbor. The masthead-high bombing is highly accurate, and 3 Japanese destroyers and 8 freighters are claimed as sunk or sinking. Nevertheless, in the strongest opposition encountered by the 5th Air Force in World War II, Japanese Navy fighters and antiaircraft down 8 B-25s and 9 P-38s.
- V Fighter Command P-38s and P-47s down 31 Japanese fighters in the Rabaul area between 1315 and 1400 hours.
- During the night, RAAF Beauforts attack the Tobera airfield at Rabaul.
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Air Operations, CBI
- 5 11th Medium Bomb Squadron B-25s and 12 14th Air Force P-40s attack warehouses and port facilities at Shasi.
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Air Operations, Europe Allied heavy bombers carry out a major attack on Vienna's airports.
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Air Operations, New Guinea V Bomber Command B-25s attack lines of communication around Fortification Point. V Fighter Command P-39 fighter-bombers attack targets in the Bogadjim area.
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Air Operations, Solomons - In a continuation of the Battle of Empress Augusta Bay, more than 100 Japanese Navy carrier bombers and fighters based at Rabaul attack the US Navy surface force at 0800 hours. Antiaircraft fire deflects most of the attackers, and only very light damage is sustained by a light cruiser from two direct hits.
- 20 XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack the Kahili airfield on Bougainville. US Navy aircraft from Task Force 38 mount two punishing strikes against Buka and the Bonis airfield on Bougainville. Task Force 38 then departs the area to refuel.
- VF-33 F6Fs down 1 G4M 'Betty' bomber, 3 D3A 'Val' dive bombers, and 2 A6M Zeros over the US task force in Empress Augusta Bay at 0815 hours. 1 VF-12 F6F downs 1 Ki-21 'Sally' bomber at sea at 0838 hours. 1 VMF-221 F4U downs 2 'Vals' over a US Navy task force at 1830 hours. 1 Marine Corps F4U is lost.
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Atlantic - The British blockade-runner Master Standfast, 1 of 5 fast boats plying between Hull and Lysekil, Sweden, is captured by a German patrol boat in the Skagerrak.
- During the night German MTBs sink 3 coasters in the convoy CW-221 off Hastings. It is the first torpedo attack in the eastern English Channel since 1941.
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Burma On the Tarung River the Japanese drive off attacks by a regiment of the Chinese 38th Div which suffers heavily.
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Eastern Front The Soviets take Kakhovka on the lower Dniepr and hold the German attacks around Krivoy Rog.
The fighting around Kiev and Veliki Bukrin continues as the 1st Ukrainian Front tries to smash its way through the German defenses.
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Italy 8th Army's operations across the Trigno are stepped up into a full-scale attack. In the main coastal sector the advance of 78th Div is supported by a naval bombardment. During the night the 78th Div and the 8th Indian Div make repeated attacks across the Trigno River where the area is being held by the German 16th Pzr Div. On the west coast the Allied forces continue to make ground slowly. The 7th Arm Div and the 46th Div from British X Corps reach the Garigliano.
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New Britain The Japanese base at Rabaul is attacked by 75 B-25 US bombers escorted by 80 P-38 Lightning fighters from 5th Air Force. The attack is met with very strong resistance by Japanese aircraft and anti-aircraft batteries. 18 Japanese aircraft are destroyed on the ground but the Americans lose 8 bombers and 9 fighters in the action. Perhaps 20 aircraft on each side are lost. The US sinks 2 merchant ships and 1 submarine hunter in the harbor.
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Solomons Just after midnight Omori's squadron steaming for Bougainville is detected by the radar of the American Task Force 39, led by Adm Aaron S. Merrill. A confused night action ensues in which the American radar proves crucial. The Japanese lose the cruiser Sendai and the destroyer Hatsukaze and most of their other ships are damaged. 2 cruisers, the Montpelier (CL-57) and the Denver (CL-58), and 2 destroyers, the Foote (DD-511) and the Spence (DD-512), are damaged on the American side, but the Japanese are forced to turn away. During the day, air attacks on Merrill's ships fail. On Bougainville itself the Americans extend their beachhead without difficulty, having wiped out the local garrison. Aircraft from task Force 38 raid Buna and Buka.
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United States, Command Gen Carl Spaatz takes command of all US Air Forces in the Mediterranean.
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Scenes from November 2, 1943
Japanese heavy cruiser Haguro and other shipping under attack at Rabaul, 2 November, 1943.
Japanese Ships at Rabaul
A B-25 bomber of the US Army 5th Air Force attacks Japanese ships in the harbor at Rabaul, New Britain, on November 2, 1943.
Attacking the Japanese Ships at Rabaul
Japanese ship sinking bow first into Simpson Harbor near Rabaul Credit: USAAF, 5th AF, 38th BG Date: November 2, 1943.
Japanese Ship Sinks Near Rabaul
Soldiers march up a rocky trail in the mountains of Italy. November 2, 1943.
Soldiers on a Rocky Trail in Italy
B-25D 41-30274 (The Hot Horse) Hydraulics shot out over Rabaul 11/2/1943 (Jack Heyn)
B-25D After Rabaul Raid
USS Borie (DD-215) abandoned and sinking on 2 November 1943 after battle with U-405. USS Barry (DD-248) tried to scuttle Borie, but failed. As a result, aircraft from USS Card (CVE-11) scuttled Borie. (National Archives, 80-G-85280.)
US Destroyer Borie Abandoned and Sinking
USS Borie (DD-215) being bombed by a plane from USS Card (CVE-11), 2 November 1943 after being mortally damaged in action with German submarine U-405. (National Archives, 80-G-85281)
US Destroyer Borie Being Scuttled
A Japanese aircraft crashes (upper center) into the ocean near the US cruiser Columbia on 2 November 1943, during air attacks on Allied ships off Bougainville, a few hours after the Naval Battle of Empress Augusta Bay.
Japanese Aircraft Crashes in the Ocean