October 1943

Sunday, October 31st

Eastern Front


In the year since November 1942 the Ostheer has suffered 1,886,000 casualties. Some 250,000 had been lost at Stalingrad and of the remainder, 240,000 had been killed, 993,000 wounded and 106,000 captured, plus many more missing in actino. However, only 1,260,000 men had been replaced. In the four months since Operation CITADEL the Germans had lost 911,000 men. Equipment levels had also fallen, German armored strength standing at 700 operational vehicles. There were in fact 2,300 tanks and assault guns available, but a lack of spare parts prevent many being put back into the line. The Red Army had 6,500 tanks and Su's.


Despite its falling strength, the Ostheer had committed another 3 panzer, 2 infantry and 1 security divisions to the fighting but 4 infantry divisions left the line. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd SS Panzer-Grenadier divisions had also been redesignated panzer divisions. German strength stood at 22 panzer, 9 panzer grenadier and 150 infantry divisions.

[ October 30th - November 1st]