September 1943

Sunday, September 26th

Eastern Front


Khotimsk falls to the Bryansk Front.


The Soviet 3rd Airborne Brigade suffers a crushing defeat at Bukrin. Dropped during the night, the 3rd was unfortunate to land in the midst of the XLVIII Panzer Corps and is virtually destroyed. The 5th Airborne Brigade, also dropped into the bridgehead, suffers heavy casualties.

The 38th Army crosses the Dniepr north of Kiev, establishing a small bridgehead around Lyutezh. Hauffe's XIII Corps (4th Panzer Army) launches a furious counterattack and almost smashes the 38th, but the Soviets are able to hang on.

Soviet 6th Army crosses the Dniepr near Dnepropetrovsk and establishes 2 small bridgeheads. The South Front unleashes a new attack on the Nogaisk Steppe, 5th Shock, 44th and 2nd Guards Armies crashing into Hollidt's 6th Army. South of Melitopol the 28th Army surges forward, heavy fighting erupting along the Molochnaya River.

With the Dniepr line falling apart, the Soviets prepare to begin the Lower Dniepr Operation. Aimed at breaking German resistance in the Dniepr elbow, the Stavka has amassed considerable forces. Steppe Front deploys 463,000 men, Southwest Front 461,000 and the South Front 581,000 for this next operation.

[ September 25th - September 27th]