(5th AF) 38th BG B-25's attack Dagua Airfield, with close escort by 16 P-38s of the 80th FS. There were scattered clouds over the target and an overcast en route over the mountains. The formation was attacked by between 20 and 40 Ki-43 Oscars about 15 miles south of Dagua, 11 of which were claimed to have been shot down. Lost are P-38G piloted by Guttel, P-38 piloted by Feehan and P-38G piloted by Krisher also P-38F 42-12637 ditched, pilot DeGraffenreid survived. Japanese sources indicate 25 fighters intercepted from 13th Sentai (mostly flying Type 1 fighters at this time), 59th Sentai and 68th Sentai, and 7 were lost (another source lists 6 pilots killed: 2 from 68th Sentai and 3 from 13th Sentai and 1 from 59th Sentai). Japanese claims 11 plus 4 uncertain.