July 1943

Friday, July 23rd

Eastern Front


The 4th Panzer Army is back to its start line of July 4. Three weeks of heavy fighting has seen the loss of all the territory gained during Operation CITADEL and even more importantly, the loss of many valuable men and machines. The 4th Panzer Army has by this time deployed 120,000 ment and 150 operational tanks between the XLVIII Panzer Corps and LII Corps. The VII Corps of the 2nd Army holds the junction with the LII Corps south of Sumy with its 3 infantry divisions.

Army Detachment Kempf covers the line from Belgorod to Zmiyev, protecting the right wing of the 4th Panzer. It deploys 80,000 ment in the XI Corp east of Belgorod (4 infantry divisions) and XLII Corps along the Donets (3 infantry divisions).

The fighting in and around the Kursk pocket has cost the Voronezh Front 27,500 killed and missing and 46,000 wounded. The Steppe Front has lost 27,000 killed and missing and 42,600 wounded. The Voronezh Front cotinues to deploy 693,000 men, over 1,800 tanks and 110 Su's, 8,728 arty pieces and 700 Katyusha while the Steppe Front has 287,000 men, 450 tanks, 4,800 arty pieces and 60 Katyusha.

[ July 22nd - July 26th]