July 1943

Sunday, July 4th

Eastern Front


At 1030 hours, as Hoth's 4th Panzer Army prepares to start its first probing attacks during the afternoon, the arty of the 6th and 7th Guards Armies open fire. Their deadly cargo fall upon the German positions, causing considerable casualties and sowing confusion throughout the attack sector. The Stavka had planned to launch preemptive arty strikes in an effort to disorganize the German offensive right from the very start.

Following the barrage the Germans regrouped and at 1445 hours, with aircraft of the VIII Air Corps over the battlefield, the Soviet defenses are struch by a ferocious counter-bombardment. Fire rains down on the trenches and arty sites of the 6th Guards Army. The XLVIII Panzer Corps move forward under the cover of the barrage. Grossdeutschland Division advances between Ssyrew and Luchanino while 3rd and 11th Panzer Divisions attack on the left and right flanks. By evening the XLVIII Panzer has secured the important hills around Butovo, but heavy fighting continues through the night as the Soviets launch numerous counterattacks. Ott's LII Corps also attacks and, despite meeting severe Soviet resistance, secures the left flank of XLVIII Panzer Corps. Meanwhile, Hausser's II SS Panzer Corps begins limited reconnaissance attacks to the right of XLVIII. By 2230 hours Gen Vatutin has assembled his units for a combined counterattack, 6th Guards using its ample arty support to great effect. The ferocity of the fighting alerts the Stavka to the fact that this is the opening move of the German offensive.

During the night the Soviet weather plays its part in the battle as a deluge of rain turns the parched summer soil into mud, hindering the movement of the German attack forces to the front line.

[ July 1st - July 5th]