February 1943

Thursday, February 25th

Eastern Front


Central Front joins the attack tward Orel in an effort to smash through the German front line before the onset of the spring thaw. The Stavka intends to turn the southern flank of Army Group Center and prevent it from giving any support to Army Group South. The 2nd Tank and 65th Armies attack, with support from II Guards Cavalry Corps.


Golikov moves an additional tank corps from 40th Army over to assist the 69th Army in the capture of Poltava. The 38th Army lags well behind the 40th Army's right wing, which is ordered to capture Sumy. Valki and Novaya Vodolaga falls to the 3rd Tank Army.

The SS Panzer Corps attacks in force from Pavlograd. As the Soviet forces flee across the steppe, fierce German fire inflicts heavy losses. The XLVIII Panzer Corps also moves north, encountering strong resistance at Bogdanovka. However, the Barvenkovo-Lozovaya railway line is severed. On the approaches to Barvenkov XL Panzer Corps encounters heavy fighting, elements of Group Popov attempting to hold the German attack.

[ February 24th - February 26th]