February 1943

Tuesday, February 23rd

Eastern Front


Bitter fighting erupts at the base of the Demyansk salient as the Soviet 27th Army tries to isolated the 16th Army. However, the Germans have considerably strengthened this area and are able to hold off the Soviet assaults. The evacuation of the salient is almost complete by this time and have largely proceeded according to plan, the bulk of the X and II Corps having escaped the pocket.


There is heavy fighting around Rzhev and Orel as the Soviets press home their attacks against Army Group Center. Here also the Germans are preparing to withdraw from their long held salient.


In an effort to halt the German advance the Stavka begin to pile forces up before them. A rifle, cavalry and tank corps have dug in to try and halt SS Panzer Corps. However, SS forces unleash a fierce attack, drive to within 12 miles of Lozovaya, and close upon Pavlograd. In conjunction with this attack the XLVIII Panzer Corps moves from the southeast, advancing from Chaplino to link up with other forces pushing north toward Boguslav. Elements of XLVIII Panzer Corps cross the Samara.

With his 6th Army in tatters, Vatutin orders a flanking rifle corps from the 1st Guards Army to move to the aid of the 6th Army. In addition, 69th and 3rd Tank Armies are ordered to turn south from Bogodukhov to support the 6th.

[ February 22nd - February 24th]