February 1943

Sunday, February 21st

Eastern Front


Heavy fighting rages south of Lyubotin as the 3rd Tank Army tries to break into the town. Additional elements of 3rd Tank move up from the west, placing further pressure upon the Germans.

The Germans mop up the scattered Soviet units at Novomosskovsk. Despite fierce attacks the Soviet 6th Army continues to push its units ahead, even going so far as to form a mobile group in the Lozovaya and Pavlograd areas to exploit the advance. This group attacks immediately passing east of Sinelnikovo as it drives south.

The XXX Corps begins its advance upon Krasnoarmieskoye from the Stalino area while XLVIII and LVII Panzer Corps move upon Pavlograd and Lozovaya. Hausser's 2n SS Panzer Corps and Corps Raus are attacking in conjunction with the 4th Panzer Army toward Pavlograd, aiming to envelop the Soviet forces between them. In addition, 1st Panzer Army attacks with its XL and III Panzer Corps in the direction of Andreyevka and Izyum.

Detachment Hollidt fights vigorously along the Mius, elements of the South Front having broken through only to be encircled and destroyed at Debaltsevo station after a fierce battle. With the situation to the south of Kharkov growing increasingly critical Golikov swings his 69th Army and 3rd Tank Army south to aid the ailing 6th Army.

[ February 20th - February 22nd]