February 1943

Sunday, February 14th

Eastern Front


The 40th Army threatens to cut German communications west and southwest of Kharkov. The Grossdeutschland Division is forced out of Olshany while Soviet units attack the northern suburbs of Kharkov and push toward Lyubotin. Heavy fighting erupts at Grayvoron.

Vvedenka fals to the 3rd Tank Army as it pushes southeast of Kharkov, despited fierce resistance from the SS Panzer Corps. However, other elements of the 3rd Tank fall back around Novaya Vodolaga.

With the situation in Kharkov increasingly critical Hausser informs Lanz he must order the evacuation of the city otherwise his force will be encircled and destroyed. Lanz, under direct orders from Hitler, forbids any withdrawal, infuriating Hausser. The heavily embattle German forces are stretched thin around the city. Grossdeutschland attempts to hold to the west while 168th Infantry Division fights in isolation on its left flank, The Das Reich, Leibstandarte and 320th Infantry Division try to hold the eastern and southern approaches to the city. To make matters worse, the civil population begins to rise in revolt during the evening.

The 4th Panzer Army disengages from the Mius line and redeploys to the Dnepropetrovsk area. There it will take command of SS Panzer Corps, Army Detachment Lanz and XLVIII Panzer Corps. Army Detachment Hollidt holds the line from Voroshilovgrad along the Mius River.

After a long and costly battle Voroshilovgrad falls to 3rd Guards Army, while Rostov falls to the 2nd Guards and 28th Armies as the Germans withdraw to the Mius.

[ February 13th - February 15th]