January 1943

Wednesday, January 13th

Eastern Front


At Leningrad the 67th and 2nd Shock Armies continue to attack across the Neva and along the Volkhov, lead units being no more than 2 or 3 miles apart by the end of the day. The XXVI and XXVIII Corps have suffered heavy losses during the fighting. Soviet 8th Army joins the attacks, committing its 52,000 men to the battle.


The Soviet 40th Army launches its offensive against the Hungarian 2nd Army. The Hungarian 7th Division takes the full weight of the Soviet thrust and after heavy fighting is overwhelmed.

In the Stalingrad pocket the 65th and 21st Armies reach the Rossoshka. Attacks by the 64th and 66th Armies from the north and south also force the Germans back while the 62nd Army counterattacks inside the city.

[ January 12th - January 14th]