January 1943

Monday, January 25th


The 27th Infantry attacks in greater strength with orders to reach the Poha. Col George E. Bush's 3rd Battalion, which had been relieved on Hills 98 and 99 by the 6th Marines, is to attack along the beach west of Kokumbona, while the 2nd Battalion on the left advances to Hills 105 and 106 overlooking the Poha. K Company is detached from the 2nd Battalion and is ordered to clean out the Japanese between Hills 102 and 103.

The 3rd Battalion passes through the 1st Battalion in Kokumbona about noon to advance northwest in columns of companies. L Company leads, followed by I, Battalion Headquarters and M Companies. Deployed on a 400-yard front to comb the jungle, L Company advances slowly. At 1600 Col Bush decides to narrow his front in order to speed the advance sufficiently to reach the Poha before dark. I Company passes through L Company, and moves northwest along the coast road. A few Japanese riflemen oppose the 3rd Battalion which kills about 35 of the enemy during the day.

Col Bush's battalion reaches the Poha area in late afternoon. Lacking a sufficient map for guidance, Col Bush has difficulty finding the correct river. The Poha channel, like many others on Guadalcanal, splits and wanders over alluvial bars as it nears the sea to form a small delta cut by several sluggish streams. The troops cross 6 such streams, each of which is part of the Poha, although the map represented the Poha as a single stream. Calling on artillery fire to determine the mouth, which lands behind him, he determines he has crossed the Poha and the battalion bivouacs.

Meanwhile the 2nd Battalion is advancing to Hills 105 and 106. E Company passes through G Company on Hill 103 and advances without fighting over steep hills and jungled ravines to reach Hills 105 and 106 by dusk. The battalion blocks the area extending from its front southeastward to the hill mass south of Kokumbona. About 50 Japanese are killed during the night at the stream and trail blocks.

XIV Corps' Field Order No. 2 is issued. The CAM Division is to pass through the 25th Division at the Poha line and attack west at 0630 January 26. The 6th Marines on the beach and the 182nd Infantry on the high ground inland are to attack abreast; the 147th Infantry will be the division reserve. The Americal and 25th Divisions' artillery and the 2nd Marine Air Wing will support the attack.