January 1943

Saturday, January 9th


The Galloping Horse, called that from its appearance in an aerial photograph, is the 900-foot-high hill mass formed by Hills 55-54-50-51-52-57-53 which dominates the Point Cruz area to the north. Col William A. McCulloch, commanding 27th Infantry, is determined to attack south across the 2,000-yard front of the Galloping Horse with 2 battalions supported by sections of the 27th Infantry's Cannon Co. He orders Lt-Col Claude E. Jurney's 1st Battalion to attack on the right (west) against Hill 57 (the forelegs) from Hill 66 in the 2nd Marine Division's zone. The battalion is to advance south of Hill 66 across the northwest Matanikau fork, seize the water hole where the 182nd Infantry's detail had been ambushed on November 18, and to take the Corps' objective in its zone, the north part of Hill 57. F Company, 8th Marines, and the Americal's Reconnaissance Squadron will provide flank security for the 1st Battalion.

The 3rd Battalion, Lt-Col George E. Bush commanding, is to advance on the left in a wide enveloping movement, Col Bush's troops are to assemble behind the 2nd Marines' lines on Hill 55, advance south along Galloping Horse's hind legs and attack generally southwest to take Hill 53, the Corps' objective in the 3rd Battalion's zone. Lt-Col Herbert V. Mitchell's 2nd Battalion is the regimental reserve in assembly areas at the base of Hill 55. The 1st Battalion, 161st Infantry, under Lt-Col Louis C. Aston, is attached to the 27th and is to block the southwest Matanikau fork between Hill 50 and the high ground to the south, and to assist in holding a defense line along Hills 50 and 51 after their capture.

The 2nd Battalion, 35th Infantry, and the Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop complete the relief of the 132nd Infantry which returns to the Lunga perimeter. By nightfall the 2nd Battalion, 35th Infantry, occupies the line from Hill 31 to Hill 27, a front of over 2,000 yds. E Company, the 35th Infantry's Reconnaissance Platoon, and a platoon from the Reconnaissance Troop hold Hill 27. F Company, plus platoons from H Company and the Reconnaissance Troop, hold the center. G Company and platoons from H Company and the Reconnaissance Troop hold Hill 31. The Remainder of H Company places mortars on Hill 29. Headquarters Company soldiers are tasked with carrying supplies forward. The 2nd Battalion estimates about 100 Japanese with 10 machine guns still hold the Gifu pocket.