December 1942

Friday, December 25th

Eastern Front


As the Soviet 6th Army digs in on strong positions from Novaya Kalitva to Kantemirovka the Germans move the XXIV Panzer Corps up to cover the area west of Kantemirovka. Detachment Fretter-Pico holds the line from Novaya Kalitva to south of Millerovo. Remnants of the Italian II Corps are at Voroshilovgrad while the German XVII Corps attempts to erect strong defenses around Morozovsk and Tatsinskaya.

The Soviets launch a vicious attack against the LVII Panzer Corps as it retreats, forcing the Germans back to the Aksai. Army Group Don informs Paulus that Hoth's attack has failed.

Inside Stalingrad the Soviets pound the 16th Panzer and 60th Motorized Divisions. Beginning at 0500 hours, the Soviets keep up their attacks until mid afternoon. Despite heavy fighting the German line remains steady. Since the encirclement on November 23, 6th Army has suffered 28,000 casualties. More serious is the deteriorating health of the survivors, struggling to subsist on meager rations in the middle of the Soviet winter, with nor warm shelter or proper winter equipment.

[ December 24th - December 26th]