December 1942

Sunday, December 20th

Eastern Front


The XXV Tank Corps is involved in heavy fighting at Kashary, elements of the Italian 8th Army retreating under withering Soviet fire. The 3rd Guards advances upon Morozovsk. Elements of the 1st Guards press toward Chertkovo and Millerovo, the railway line between Kantemirovka and Millerovo being cut.

Manstein holds Group Hoth on the Myshkova as he tries to get Hitler's agreement to allow 6th Army to break out. Manstein asks Zeitzler to intervene but he is equally unsuccessful. The stand fas order remains and 6th Army does not move. On the Myshkova the Germans struggle to hold back furious counterattacks by the 2nd Guards Army. The 17th Panzer Division is down to just 8 operational tanks while the 23rd Panzer Division is similarly depleted.

On the Chir, the 11th Panzer Division resumes its attack aimed at throwing the Soviets back over the river. After a promising start the Soviets launch a fierce counterattack against Balck's right flank. Fighting breaks out in the German rear but the situation is quickly restored.

[ December 19th - December 21st]