December 1942

Thursday, December 17th

Eastern Front


Heavy arty fire renew the Soviet attack upon the Italian 8th Army. The 6th, 1st Guards and 3rd Guards Armies surge forward once again. Elements of the XVIII and XXV Tank Corps lead the 1st Guards strike, the XXIV Tank Corps moving up behind the two spearhead corps. Right flank divisions of the 6th Army strike from Samodurovka supported by the XVII Tank Corps. After heavy fighting the Soviets begin to cut open the Italian flank, Soviet forces pressing forward toward the Boguchar River. Slowly but surely the Axis positions begin to unravel.

A new Soviet attack strikes the 336th Infantry Division along the Chir, 6 miles north of Nizhne Chirskaya. The 11th Panzer Division counterattacks and drives the Soviets back to the river.

The arrival of the 17th Panzer Division to reinforce the LVII Panzer Corps adds weight to the German attacks. Leading elements of the 23rd Panzer Division reaches the Myshkova.

With the Italian 8th Army on the verge of collapse, Manstein has to remove the 6th Panzer Division and sends it north. Hoth loses his freshest and strongest unit. Due to the weakness of his remaining panzer forces Hoth group all his remaining tanks with the 17th Panzer Division.

[ December 16th - December 18th]