December 1942

Friday, December 4th

Eastern Front


Heavy fighting rages along the Chir as the XLVIII Panzer Corps struggles with the 5th Tank Army. Knobelsdor's XLVIII Panzer Corps moves to Nizhne Chirskaya to be better able to deal with the attacks by the 5th Tank. The 13th Panzer Division remains on the left wing to bolster the remnants of the Rumanian 3rd Army. Knobelsdorf also takes into his command the 11th Panzer and the 336th Infantry Divisions plus another Luftwaffe field division. Group Adam, an ad hoc formation, defends the Nizhne Chirskaya bridgehead.

Heavy fighting rages around Kotelnikovo as the 6th Panzer Division throws the 51st Army out of the town.

Vasilevsky reports to Stalin that the armies surrounding Paulus need substantial reinforcement before they can destroy his army. Stalin had planned to use Malinovdky's 2nd Guards Army, currently in reserve, to bolster the forces of the Don Front. Heavy fighting rages around Stalingrad.

[ December 3rd - December 5th]