November 1942

Saturday, November 28th

Eastern Front


Heavy fighting erupts at the base of the Demyansk pocket as the Soviets strive to isolate the II Corps.


The VI Tank Corps drives forward again, smashing its way east but with crippling casualties. The Rzhev-Sychevka road is reached but the corps' lines are tenuous. Counterattacks by the 5th Panzer Division from the south and the 9th Panzer from the north almost cut the VI Tank Corps off from its supporting units. The Germans begin to contain the 39th and 22nd Armies, despite continued strong Soviet attacks. Increasing numbers of German reserves solidify the line.

Heavy fighting continues around Belyi as the 41st Army aims to envelop the town. Elements attempt to force their way east but encounter the 1st Panzer Division on its left and the 12th Panzer to its front.


Manstein lays plans for the relief of the 6th Army. He intends to begin the operation as soon as possible to break the Soviet outer ring before it is strengthened. Operarion WINTERSTORM is scheduled to start in early December. Instead of taking the shortest route to 6th Army from the Chir at Nizhne Chirskaya, Group Hoth is to attack from Kotelnikovo where Soviet defenses are weaker. From Kotelnikovo the distance to the western tip of the Stalingrad pocket doubles and the relief force hs to cross two rivers (the Aksai and Myshkova), each easily fordable. To divert Soviet attention toward Nizhne Chirskaya, the XLVIII Panzer Corps is to pin down the 5th Tank Army and prevent its reinforcement of the Kotelnikovo axis. Hoth has at his disposal the LVII Panzer Corps, the remnants of the VI and VIII Rumanian Corps protecting either flank. The crux of the entire operation though is the ability of the 6th Army to push southwest to meet Hoth when he comes within striking distance. Hoth will link up with 6th Army and then pull back to the Don, abandoning the Volga so that 6th Army can be extricated.

[ November 27th - November 29th]