November 1942

Wednesday, November 11th

Eastern Front


The German 6th Army begins its last offensive in Stalingrad. At 0630 hours artillery and aircraft begins the systematic bombardment of the front line. Following closely on the heels of the barrage come panzers and infantry, moving up and striking the 62nd Army a fearsome blow. After heavy fighting, most of the Red October factory falls, the 138th Divisioin being isolated south of the Barrikady factory against the Volga, which has begun to freeze over. In fierce fighting the 13th Guards is reduces to 1,500 men but is the 62nd Army's strongest unit.

By the end of the day the 62nd Army has been reduced to 3 small pockets along the Volga. The northern pocket, held by 1,000 men at Rynok and Spartakovka is under heavy attack by the XIV Panzer Corps, while the central pocket, comprising the 138th Rifle Division with just 500 0men, is near the Barrikady factory. Farther south are the remnants of the 95th, 45th, 39th Guards, 284th and 13th Guards Divisions plus various scratch units, some 45,000 men with fewer thatn 20 tanks. The LI Corps pounds the 2 southern pockets.

As the battle reaches its climax, Zhukov informs Stalin that all is ready and the counteroffensive can begin on November 19 to the north and November 20 to the south.

The 13th Panzer Division retreats from Ordzhonikidze, its flanks having been threatened by Soviet attacks. The 5th SS Wiking Motorized Division attacks toward the hard pressed 13th.

[ November 9th - November 12th]