October 1942

Tuesday, October 14th

Eastern Front


Chuikov, expecting a renewal of the German offensive, launches a spoiling attack with the 37th Guards from the Tractor factory. At 0800 hours, however, the German assault begins, 90,000 men and 300 panzers of the 94th and 389th Infantry, 100th Jaeger and 14th and 24th Panzer Divisions striking the Soviets defending the factories with the aim of crushing the final pockets of resistance. The 37th Guards and 94th Rifle Divisions are hit hard but fight back with determination, the are between the Barrikady and Tractor factories changing hands several times during the day. At noon a force of 200 tanks smash through the 37th Guards Division and reach the Tractor factory, where the Germans then turn to strike at the rear of the 112th Rifle Division. Fierce battles rage, but by late afternoon the 112th Rifle and 37th Guards are fighting in encirclement. Further German attacks blow apart the right wing of the 308th Rifle Division, bringing Chuikov's headquarters under intense fire. Despite their losses, the Soviet units fight to the bitter end, each isolated section refusing to yield to the overwhelming German attacks.

The battle continues into the night as the Germans reach the Tractor factory on three sides. Repeated infantry and armored assaults strike the Soviets and during the course of the fighting the Germans are able to reach the Volga on a 2,000-yard front, splitting the 62nd Army apart. The 112th Rifle Division, 2nd Motorized Brigade, 115th, 124th and 149th Rifle Brigades all fight on in isolation on the right wing of the army, 37th Guards having been virtually wiped out. The few remaining men of the guards division, however, continue to fight on.

During the bloody night Chuikov begins to bring the 138th Rifle Division across the Volga into the city, intending to reinforce the Barrikady factory.

Group Ruoff renews its attacks in the Caucasus in an effort to reach the Black Sea. Initial gains are promising, but Soviet defenses soon stiffen. The Stavka relieves Cherevichenko as commander of the Black Sea Group, appointing Petrov in his place.

[ October 13th - October 15th]