October 1942

Friday, October 2nd

Eastern Front


The remnants of the 2nd Shock Army are destroyed, the Volkhov Front losing 12,000 men captured along with as many killed, and 300 artillery pieces, 500 mortars and 240 tanks lost.


At 0600 hours the 295th Infantry Division launches a frontal and surprise rear attack on the right wing of the 13th Guards Division. Ferocious fighting erupts as the Soviets fight to prevent their annihilation, instead destroying to a man the German infiltration force.

Further heavy attacks continue to smash the divisions in the factories. The 112th Rifle is hard pressed, suffering heavy losses as the Germans attack with overwhelming force. Fighting intensifies as the Germans penetrate into the Barrikady, Tractor and Red October complexes. The 193rd Rifle Division fights in the Red October kitchens, bathhouse and workers' houses, while the 39th Guards holds the factory itself.

On the southern wing, the 64th Army counterattacks with 4 rifle divisions southwest of Yelshanka in an effort to link up with the 62nd Army. After a day of bitter fighting the attack fails.

To reinforce the 62nd Army, the 308th Rifle Division is ferried across the Volga during the night. The division is ordered to take up positions in the Barrikady factory. Forward elements of the 37th Guards Division also crosses the Volga and deploys in the Tractor factory, close to the northwestern edge of the Barrikady estate. The 37th Guards deploys betwen the 112th and 308th Divisions.

[ October 1st - October 3rd]