September 1942

Friday, September 18th

Eastern Front


At 0530 hours the 1st Guards Army launch new attacks north of Stalingrad with 5 rifle divisions supported by 1 tank corps and 3 tank brigades. Heavy German counter-fire bring he attack to an immediate halt, and the arrival of the Luftwaffe smash the Soviet units. A fierce German counterattack then throws the 1st Guards back to its start lines. In an effort to reverse the flow of the bttle, the Soviets commit 2 tank corps but to no effect. Bitter fighting rages all day without any success.

In Stalingrad the fighting rages unabated. 10 attacks on the grain elevator fail to dislodge the 92nd Rifle Brigade. Heavy fighting also erupts on the Mamayev Kurgan and in the central railway station as the LI Corps launches repeated attacks against the 13th Guards Division. The Luftwaffe is particularly active against both these targets, blankt bombing the Soviet positions as German infantry wrestles the Soviets out of the ruins.

Toward the end of the day the 62nd Army is ordered to prepare a counterattack on its right wing to link up with the 1st Guards, 66th and 24th Armies. The attack is to strike out from the Mamayef Kurgan to the northeast.

[ September 17th - September 19th]