September 1942

Sunday, September 13th

Eastern Front


The LI and XLVIII Panzer Corps attack at Stalingrad. Paulus aims to break into the city center, having massed the 71st, 76th, 295th and 94th Infantry Divisions, 29th Motorized and 14th and 24th Panzer Divisions. Supported by the VIII Air Corps and overwhelming artillery fire, the 71st, 76th and 295th Infantry Divisions attack at 0630 hours from Gumrak, hitting the center of the 62nd Army. To the south the 94th Infantry, 29th Motorized and 14th and 24th Panzer Divisions crash into the Yelshanka and Dar Gova suburbs to reach the Volga. Furious fighting rages as the Soviets offer fierce resistance and considerable counter artillery fire. Despited ferocious fighting, the Soviet line remains intact, but the Sadovaya railway station falls. The Mnina suburb is the scene of bitter fighting, as are Dar Gova and Yelshanka. German attacks continue throughout the night.

During the night, Chuikov is forced to move his headquarters from the Mamayev Kurgan, which is under German artillery and mortar fire, to the Tsaritsyn bunker. Eremenko reports to Stalin at the end of the day, stating that new German attacks are expected on September 14. Stalin orders Rodimtsev's 13th Guards Rifle Division to cross the Volga into Stalingrad to reinforce the hard pressed 62nd Army.


Zhukov and Vasilevsky spend the whole day planning a counter-blow around Stalingrad. Late in the day, they report to Stalin and the nucleus of Operation URANUS is born.

[ September 12th - September 14th]