September 1942

Friday, September 4th

Eastern Front


The German 11th Army redeploys into the Gaitolovo sector to destroy the salient jutting into the line between Leningrad and the Volkhov. Quickly maneuvering their forces, the Germans commit the XXVI Corps (121st Infantry, 5th Mountain and 28th Light Divisions) to their northern wing and the newly arrived XXX Corps (24th, 132nd and 170th Infantry and 3rd Mountain Divisions) to the south. Manstein aims to crush the flanks of the salient and encircle the Soviet force.


The 1st Guards Army renews its attack at 0630 hours after a 30-minute artillery barrage, but suffer heavy casualties under the fire of the XIV Panzer Corps. At 0900 hours the 66th Army joins the attack, followed by the 24th at 1500 hours. Both armies are also pounded by German artillery and small arms fire and are brought to an abrupt halt. Strong German counterattacks throw the 24th and 66th Armies back to their start lines.

The Germans launch yet more air raids on Stalingrad. Over 1,000 aircraft operate at will, inflicting massive destruction upon the already damaged city. As the air attacks continue, the ground forces draw closer, the 6th and 4th Panzer Armies slowly pushing the 62nd and 64th Armies back to the inner defense zone.

[ September 3rd - September 5th]