August 1942

Thursday, August 13th

Eastern Front


The 6th Army clears the Don Elbow. The 1st Tank Army has been comprehensively defeated alongside the 62nd Army and is disbanded within a few weeks.

The 4th Panzer Army pushes its 16th Motorized Division out to the south, capturing Elitsa. The 16th Motorized protects the floating junction of Army Groups A and B and patrols a vast sector stretching from the Sarpa Lakes south of Stalingrad to the Kuma River in the Caucasus. Leading scouts of this division will push the farthest east of any Germans, coming to within 20 miles of Astrakhan. Only the lack of Soviet units prevent a deep penetration into the junction of the 2 army groups.

Mineralnye Vody falls to the 1st Panzer Army as it closes upon Grozny. Supplies are increasingly short as the line of communication stretch to the breaking point. The 13th Panzer Division is instructed to join with the 3rd and 23rd Panzer Divisions of the III Panzer Corps.

[ August 12th - August 15th]