August 1942

Sunday, August 9th

Eastern Front


The 24th and 16th Panzer Divisions meet behind the 62nd Army cutting off 8 divisions and elements of the 1st Tank Army. Fighting inside the pocket is intense as the 6th Army immediately begins the destruction of the encircled units. The 1st Guards Army throws 3 divisions into an attack to relieve the trapped force.


The Stavka subordinates the Stalingrad Front to Eremenko's Southeast front. Gordov becomes deputy commander of the Stalingrad Front as Eremenko takes senior command. Golikov becomes deputy for the Southeast Front. Moskalenko is given command of the newly forming 1st Guards Army. To asses the deteriorating situation in the south, Stalin orders Zhukov to join Vasilevsky.

[ August 8th - August 10th]